Scientific Researcher

Summary of Research Activities


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Selected Scientific peer-reviewed international journals, open access publications and conference articles.

Selected Research Projects

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While working as a researcher in universities and research centers, Patrice Caire launched and directed a number of Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics and Virtual Reality (VR) research projects. Typically, these projects extend over a three-year period, and are carried out in partnership with private companies and/or public institutions.

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    Luxembourg United Robot Soccer Team

    RoboCup is an international scientific competition to advance the state of the art of intelligent robots.

    In 2015, Patrice Caire launched Luxembourg United—the first national autonomous robots soccer team of Luxembourg—and in 2016 the team was selected to participate in the RoboCup 2017, World Cup XXI.

    Research topics included: Real-time detection and tracking of objects; visual information integration into global map; localization under disturbances; motion control; robot team coordination and cooperation.

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

    View videos:

    Tough match against the UNSW Australian team

    Soccer team goalie spectacular catch

    The 10 best kicks

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    CoRobots (Cooperative Robots) at MUDAM

    Increasingly intelligent robots need to make critical decisions—for example, in search and rescue operations—and to collaborate with each other and with us, humans.

    In 2014, Patrice Caire designed CoRobots to provide a use case for such collaboration between humanoids, drones and us, humans. It was shown in 2015 in the grand setting of the Luxembourg Museum of Modern Art (MUDAM).

    Research topics included: Multirobot systems; perception and action; robot cognition and learning; human-robot-interaction.

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

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    The Humanoid robot Pepper: A History museum guide

    Humanoid social robots—such as Softbank Robotics’ Pepper robot—can safely interact with people, collaborate, learn and respond to human behaviors and language.

    In 2017, the Luxembourg History Museum showed interest in these new ways of interaction. They approached Patrice Caire to do research and development using Pepper during cultural visits to communicate and share information with visitors in a natural way.

    Research topics included: Speech synthesis and natural language generation; natural language recognition; understanding of human intent and behavior; dependability; safety and security.

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

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    Copains (Buddies) Conviviality and Privacy in Smart Houses

    As internet of things (IoT) devices collect and transmit a large amount of sensitive data, such as personal information, financial data, and health data, they have become prime targets for cybercriminals.

    In 2013, Patrice Caire launched this project, with Antonis Bikakis, to address the trade-offs between security and privacy in smart homes, ambient intelligent-IoT systems.

    Research topics included: Cooperative multiagent systems; dependence networks; dynamic coalition formation; multi-context systems; graph theory; knowledge representation and reasoning.

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

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    Secure and Reliable Cloud-Based Solutions for Smart Cities

    In smart cities, information is collected, processed and analyzed to monitor and manage a wide array of activities, from transportation networks, to water supply systems, crime detection and healthcare facilities.

    Patrice Caire launched this project in 2013 to address the need for secure and Reliable Cloud-Based Solutions for the smart city of Luxembourg.

    Research topics included: intelligent signal processing; dynamic software reconfiguration; smart control systems; dynamic component models; dynamically adaptive systems.

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

  • Robotorium

    This research and development project was launched in 2019 by the Stanford University, Robotics Laboratory, Department of Computer Science. Currently, Patrice Caire acts as a Consulting Scientist on the project.

    The goal is to establish a modular framework for Robotorium, to engage researchers to collaborate indevelopment and demonstration of technologies, addressing real world robotic challenges.

    Research topics include: Ethical AI; human robot interaction.

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

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    Cyberhead… A VR flight through a reconstructed head

    Patrice Caire launched and spearheaded this project at the Virtual Reality (VR) and AI Laboratories of the Stanford research Institute (SRI). The Cyberhead project, launched in 1994, consists of a VR flight through a human head, reconstructed from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data.

    Research topics included: 3-D reconstruction and modelling; binocular vision; software integration; Collision detection-prediction; mobile localization and mapping using visual features; 3D sound.

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

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Social Robotics Laboratory

Patrice Caire launched the Social Robotics lab in 2012, at the University of Luxembourg-SnT, as an interdisciplinary research group, to study the fields of social robotics, human-robot interaction, cognitive and developmental robotics and Embodied Artificial Intelligence.

Patrice Caire directed the lab until 2018, launching a number of key projects, such as the Luxembourg United robot soccer team, CoRobots and COPAINS. In total, the Lab aquired 13 Nao robots and one Pepper robot. The research group working with Dr Caire consisted of seven students pursuing their studies from BAs to PhDs.

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    Human-Robot Interaction

    Today, voice-user interfaces like Alexa or Siri are part of our environments. We attribute personality traits to these virtual agents and engage with them. Does your robot understand what you say? How should your robot talk to you? We look at these issues particularly in different settings: healthcare, museum, and smart houses.

    Keywords: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Generating; Multi-Modal Perception; Gesture and Facial Expressions

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

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    Distributed Artificial Intelligence

    The Internet of Things (IoT)—also called ambient intelligence—allows the connection between all our surrounding objects. This interconnected world is called a smart home, when it is a house, and a smart city or digital city, when it scales up to the size of a town or more. When all these objects “talk” to each other. What happens to us?

    Keywords: Normative Multiagent systems, Muti-Context systems; Distributed Reasoning; Reasoning under Uncertainty; Ethical AI

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

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    Cooperation and Coalition Formation

    Imagine human-robot cooperation in the age of social media and AI. And what about robot to robot cooperation? Indeed, we want our robots to successfully work with each other: our robot assistant should be able to connect to the smart coffee machine, and take the package delivered by the drone. To study these cooperations, we have robots play team sport, like soccer.

    Keywords: Graph Theory; Dependence Networks; Cooperation; Coalition Formation; Multi-Robot Coordination

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches

    View videos:

    Tough match against the UNSW Australian team

    Soccer team goalie spectacular catch

    The 10 best kicks

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    Requirements Engineering

    When interacting with humans, conviviality and friendliness are paramount. So is our privacy: We need to know that our data is safe. Seniors will have an increasingly active role while interacting with social robots. The next generation of home mobile service robots will do more tasks — and we want them to be social and secure.

    Keywords: Visual languages; Empirical research; Modelling analysis; End-user communication; Requirements analysis

    Publications; Press coverage; Speeches


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Patrice Caire is part of the review committee of the following selected international conferences and scientific journals.

  • INT, Journal for Intelligent & Robotic Systems; 2018 – present.

  • JAAMAS, Journal for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems; 2015 – present.

  • ICAART, International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 2014 – present.

  • COIN@AAMAS 2017, 20th International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms.

  • PRIMA 2016, 19th International Conference on Principle and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems.

  • COIN@ECAI 2016, Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms Book from the EU Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

  • MIWAI 2016, 10th Multi-disciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence.

  • COIN@AAMAS 2016, 19th International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms.


  • RoboCup Challengers Cup
  • Lux Innovation, 1st Prize
  • Fond National de la Recherche Award, FNR Luxembourg
  • Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) Award
  • Requirements Engineering (RE) Best Research Paper Award
  • Agreement Technologies (AT) Best Research Paper Award
  • CRAAV Nord-Pas-de-Calais, EU Film and Audiovisual Grant
  • Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation Grant
  • Sculpture Space Residency, Utica NY
  • Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
  • Organization of Independant Artists grant
  • New York University, Computer Science Dpt. Research Grants
  • AFAA, Coproduction Grant, French Foreign Ministry
  • DRAC Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Film and Audiovisual Coproduction Grant
  • Artists Space Fund Grant
  • Community Arts Partnership (CAPS), NYC Grant
  • American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Grant Award


Patrice is available for writing and speaking engagements, art exhibitions and curation.