Interactive Street Play
Read moreHere are interactive street plays I created, performed and/or contributed to in Barcelona, Spain.
Sfumato, Llum de Fideu, May 2024
A poetic, itinerant and immersive reflection on the relationships we establish with other species.
Cercavila project, July 2023
A satirical protest against the real-estate speculation in the old gothic center of Barcelona called El Raval.
Laboratory of Feminist Consciousness-Colectiva Enredando, Sept.-Oct. 2023
Silhouettes of water, Teatro en Movimiento Callerjerx, Nov. 2023
About the global water crisis.
Lab on domestic violence, Teatro en Movimiento Callerjerx, Nov. 2022
Urban Safety for Women, in collaboration with Teatro en Movimiento Callerjerx, March-June 2023
The killing of environmental activists, in collaboration with Teatro en Movimiento Callerjerx, Oct.-Nov. 2023
Read moreI was beginning participant of RAW magazine—an underground comic and graphics anthology cofounded in 1980 by Art Speigelman and Françoise Mouly. The idea was to present graphics novels and comix to a wider audience. RAW has been recognised as the leading avant-garde comix journal of its time. I contributed to the #1 and #3 issues
Read moreAs an artist, I create technology-inspired multimedia installations, exhibiting work at the Brooklyn Museum and the MUDAM, among other venues. I create site-specific installations. When viewers walk through my exhibitions, their experience is multi-layered: they experience the space, the show as a whole, a single piece of art or the relations they have with other viewers. My installations combine three-dimensional and virtual art works, mainly using new technologies, such as holograms and Virtual Reality.
Museum of Modern Art (MUDAM) Luxembourg
CoRobots: Cooperative robots interacting with drones and games between humanoids and the public. CoRobots is a Multimedia installation. 1/2014 – 1/2015 Luxembourg Museum of Modern Art (MUDAM)
group Exhibition
Brooklyn Museum, New York
Crash! Art Implants Reject Emotions (C.A.I.R.E. 93). 10/1- 12/31-1993.
Solo exhibition Grand Lobby Multimedia installation. The Brooklyn Museum, New York
solo Exhibition
National Museum of History and Art of Luxembourg (MNAHA)
Pepper Robot: A guide for the Luxembourg National Museum of History and Art (MNAHA) 12/2016 – 6/2017
group Exhibition
Yerba Buena Center for The Arts, San Francisco
“Cyberhead… Am I Really Existing?” C.A.I.R.E. 94. This Virtual Reality installation is a fully immersive and interactive fly through the Patrice Caire’s reconstructed head from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
4/1994 – 6/1994 Yerba Buena Center for The Arts, San Francisco.
View videos
USA TV Channel 7 Evening News report on Cyberhead at the opening in San Francisco, 1994
USA TV Channel 4 Evening News report at the opening of Cyberhead in San Francisco, 1994
solo Exhibition
De Saisset Museum, California
“Scenic Views II”, Multimedia installation. 4/1991- 5/1991.
solo Exhibition
International Center of Photography Museum, New York
“Iterations: The New Image”. C.A.I.R.E. 92 is a series of self-portraits that frames the artist’s thought electronically through MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Sequences from the top, bottom, front, back and side to side of Caire’s head present the viewer with an uncanny automated look into the subtleties of neuroelectronics (10/1993 – 1/1994)
group Exhibition
Musee de Calais, France
“C.A.I.R.E.” Multimedia installation. 3/14 – 5/11-1992
solo Exhibition
City Museum of Luxembourg (MHVL)
Luxembourg United robot soccer team demonstration events for the “Football Hallelujah!” exhibition at the City Museum of Luxembourg (MHVL) 7/12/2016-12/03/2017
group Exhibition
Moscone Center, San Francisco
“Cyberhead”. Virtual Reality installation. Part of the 10/1994 exhibition: New Visions, New Ventures.
group Exhibition
Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York
group Exhibition
Artists Space, New York
“Black Light Passing”. A Multimedia installation. 01-02/1980.
solo Exhibition
Galerie Nachst Saint-Stephan, Vienna
“Multiples”. 1976
group Exhibition
Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles
“Scenic Views”. Multimedia installation, Los Angeles Times review, 06-08/1990
solo Exhibition
World Festival, Sao Paulo
“C.A.I.R.E. Compressed Adventures Inhibiting Robotic Emotions”. One Minute Film and video World Festival, 1993
group Exhibition
Seibu Gallery, Tokyo
“The Raw Show”. 1983
group Exhibition
Pratt Institute, New York
“Partitions”. 1982
group Exhibition
Galerie Krinzinger, Innsbruck, Austria
group Exhibition
Press Coverage
Read moreSome highlights
RTL-TV Live on Prime-Time News Roundtable, “Selected for the RoboCup world Cup”.
Interview of Patrice Caire who also presents and demonstrates the Luxembourg United robot soccer team.
15/3/2017ABC -TV, Channel 7, Evening News. “Cyberhead” live coverage, by Dan Kerman, of the opening, at the Center for the Arts, San Francisco
NBC – TV, Channel 4, Evening news, May 4, 1994. “A Flight through the artist’s head” by H. Tennenbaum, San Francisco
May 4, 1994
New York Times, “Seeing the New and Daring” by Michael Brenson
FR3 (French National TV). Evening News, Journal du soir, “Patrice Caire et les Nouvelles Technologies”, by Bernard Lecomte
Nov.18, 1992
Artforum, “Patrice Caire” by Ronny Cohen
Flash Art International, “Out of the Darkness and Into the Loop” by Jon Ippolito
Le Monde, “Quand l’art et la science se mêlent et s’emmêlent” (front page et page 16) et Le Monde 2/09/2015 “Art de Laboratoire”
RoboCup Challengers Cup
- Lux Innovation, 1st Prize
- Fond National de la Recherche Award, FNR Luxembourg
Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) Award
- Requirements Engineering (RE) Best Research Paper Award
Agreement Technologies (AT) Best Research Paper Award
- CRAAV Nord-Pas-de-Calais, EU Film and Audiovisual Grant
- Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation Grant
Sculpture Space Residency, Utica NY
- Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
Organization of Independant Artists grant
New York University, Computer Science Dpt. Research Grants
- AFAA, Coproduction Grant, French Foreign Ministry
- DRAC Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Film and Audiovisual Coproduction Grant
- Artists Space Fund Grant
- Community Arts Partnership (CAPS), NYC Grant
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Grant Award