Luxemburger Wort: “Niloo, the robot who can save lives”, Front Page and Economy Section [p10-11], Feb. 16, 2016.
Luxemburger Wort: “Meet Niloo – The Future of Home Help” [Watch the video] and read the article of 02/07/2014.
Luxemburger Wort: “Un Copain en Cas de Pepin – Une maison connectee pour sauver des vies” [article] 25/11/2014.SnT
YouTube Channel: “Conviviality and Privacy in Smart Homes”, Flagship video from the University of Luxembourg (SnT) Research, 2013
RTL: Interview and presentation of Niloo our service robot during SnT Partners’ Day 25/05/2014 (Luxemburgish, P. Caire interview in French) 4/02/2014: “L’apport de la robotique pour venir en aide aux personnes dépendantes” article on
Radio 100,7: P. Caire discusses ICT and her CoPAInS project with host G. Wunsch, April 7, 2014
(select the “Ee Mount een Thema” at 9.05h from this link and listen to the broadcast).